Feasibility study

The project start up is a very critical phase, in which it is necessary to assist clients in the evaluation of a programme or project based on a preliminary general idea. The feasibility study includes technical activities focused on finding the best solutions to be adopted in technical/economic terms. Our design and engineering services are designed to ensure that tested application technologies are used, that the best tools and components are selected and that all parts are designed in accordance with the project guidelines.

Hardware, electrical and electronic design

The goal of hardware design is the careful selection and sizing of the components, in order to achieve a reduction in energy consumption and an increase in overall efficiency in compliance with specific regulations and suitability with the work environment.

Use of a variety of tools

- application software for electrical sizing and design

- instrumentation for electrical and safety tests

- oscilloscopes, multimeters, network analysers


Software design

A good software design for the automation of plants has the objective of:

• enabling a repetitive sequence of operations independent of manual action
• enabling the plants to report anomalies and danger, after securing the controlled equipment
• simplifing product traceability with appropriate database management systems


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